100% Funded!
It has been an amazing six days as RaceDots has already reached our funding goal! We want to thank everyone who has contributed thus far and those who are spreading the word. We couldn't have anticipated the outpouring of support for which we are humbled and grateful.
Meanwhile, the campaign doesn't end here. We still have 32 more days to go, so if you still have friends who would be interested in RaceDots™, please encourage them to contribute while they can. Here's why:
Retail prices for 5-pack, 10-pack and custom RaceDots will be more than our offer on Indiegogo, and retail customers will have to pay for shipping and handling. Plus, contributions now mean RaceDots™ in hand in February. RaceDots won't be available for retail until April 2014 at best.
This week we will be launching our media campaign to get press for RaceDots™ now that all systems are GO! Stay tuned! Keep those referrals going. Also, be sure to follow us onFacebook and Twitter as we are running promotional contests each week!
Once again, we thank you for your continued support!